Saturday, January 31, 2015

Your current Avengers Face Ultron in This Great new 'Age of Ultron' TV Spot

Did you miss seeing the brand new TV spot for "Avengers: Age of Ultron" last night? Maybe you don't have a VIDEOS, or you got up to go to the washroom, or you scroll through commercials in your own DVR - hey, we're not even here to judge.

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Anyway, there's actually ton of new stuff happening in such spot that we haven't seen in front of. We do get a better look at Club Man's fancy Hulkbuster suit, and in addition there's more Ironman iPhone case-on-Hulk procedure, but that's about it.

Or does it come with? Over at Hitfix Harpy, Donna Dickens notes that we could be getting a overall look of the elusive Grey Hulk. "But that bit where the Hulk moves the cop car like Explode Raccoon kicks grass? The homely color palette used in every other shot to your Hulkbuster fight is absent, replace by muted blues that indicate a substitute sequence. So is it the new rate scheme that makes Banner's alter ego , the burkha different, or it could be that we're network industry Grey Hulk? " The Burgandy Hulk is the more subdued affordable of the Hulk, which is not to say instead of grey guy is totally chill; they have just sort of slower to Hulk out. Take a look, and let us is usually to you think.

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" frees May 1 .

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