Sunday, July 26, 2015

Free coffee! Minipresso portable espresso machine

Coffee control if you drank only instant, that wouldn't be true love, which is loaded to force things, fly is equipped with a tool, such as the Minipresso portable coffee maker, are acting tools anytime, anywhere. (Home coffee machines only home Pier, show lower carrying value 0)

Machine is very small, 17cm is easy to carry and strong fashion sense, belongs to the Chao family of products. Easy to use, for a minute, just a minute, you can make a cup of good, genuine Lady Grey. Why, because this can total immersion brewing, to the maximum and uniform extraction of coffee, full of coffee flavor preserved. Do you have any idea, other coffee drip equipment, just coffee and edge extraction in the middle of a heap. Moschino retina iPad Air case

Detailed using method following: 1, and scoop a spoon coffee powder 2, and pour Sheng put coffee powder of container 3, and with spoon end of will coffee powder pressure about, lane flat 4, and will Sheng put coffee powder of container into Cup in the 5, and cover Shang Cup cover 6, and in bottom container within loaded into 90 degrees above of hot (hot without too full) 7, and twist tight upper and lower Cup cover Hou, will piston pull 8, and press times 9, and slowly drops out coffee 10, and according to personal preferences, can times attempts to press times found like of taste Moschino iPad Air case

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Finally, what concerns do you have? I know, trouble, afraid of cleaning! Cleaning is not difficult at all, as long as a few seconds to rinse. Okay, troubles solved, then to love rare creative grocery store, I'll have that!

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